Laser therapy
Laser therapy is easy to apply, is non-toxic and is very effective. At the cellular level, it increases local circulation, improves tissue oxygenation and stimulates ATP production, allowing tissues to heal better and faster.
Some of the conditions that see a great deal of benefit from laser therapy
- Soft tissue injuries;
- Sport injuries;
- Ligament and tendon tears;
- Muscle strains;
- Tendonitis;
- Radiculopathy;
- Arthritic conditions;
- Chronic spine conditions (e.g. facet syndrome);
- Disc herniations;
- Fibromyalgia or idiopathic diffuse polyalgia syndrome;
- Temporomandibular joint syndrome;
- Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) or complex regional pain syndrome type 1 (CRPS type 1) or algodystrophy;
- Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) or post-zoster neuralgia.
The benefits to the patient of laser therapy include:
- Reduction of pain and inflammation;
- Restoration of natural healing;
- Increased range of motion;
- Restoration of the normal function of the cell unit;
- Reduced healing time.